
System Kopernika z De revolutionibus orbium coelestium

„De revolutionibus” in Polish libraries

The University Library in Toruń has received funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of the „Social Responsibility of Science – Support for Scientific Libraries” program for the preparation of a digital exhibition dedicated to the first edition of Nicolaus Copernicus’ De revolutionibus.

Title of the project: „De revolutionibus” M. Kopernika (1543) w bibliotekach polskich. Wystawa i udostępnienie cyfrowe; contract no SONB/SP/546729/2022.

Under the MEiN grant program „Social Responsibility of Science – Support for Scientific Libraries”, the University Library in Toruń obtained funding to prepare a digital exhibition devoted to the first edition of Nicolaus Copernicus’ De Revolutionibus (1543), emphasizing the bibliographic aspect of the discovery. The exhibition will feature 14 copies of the first edition stored in Polish libraries, as well as additional historical materials, such as images of Copernicus and selected astronomical works. The digital exhibition will also be connected to an exhibition organized by four Toruń institutions, including the University Library in Toruń, the Provincial Public Library – Copernican Library in Toruń, the Regional Museum in Toruń, and the State Archive in Toruń, entitled „From all books the most worth reading...Around Nicolaus Copernicus De Revolutionibus” (exhibition available from February 19 to May 7, 2023, at the Old Town Hall in Toruń).

The open, public digital exhibition will be realized under the grant using modern communication methods, such as the open-source system OMEKA S, and will be based on the Digital Exhibition Platform administered by BU UMK. The digital resource, including the digitized 14 volumes of the first edition and other historical materials, will be used to create a virtual Copernican digital resource, which will be located in local digital libraries as well as on the national platform Polona of the National Library.

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