Copernicus to Bishop John Dantiscus, Frombork, 11 January 1539
Original: lost. 17th century copy: The Jagellonian Library, Kraków, sign. 311204-311205, p. 3 (a copy of John Brożek from 1618).
Nicholas Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus) informs John Dantiscus, Bishop of Varmia, that he has done what he shouldn't and could not overlook under any circumstances [i.e. he dismissed his housekeeper, Ann Schilling], and he thinks that he has complied with the wishes or the Bishop. In reply to his question, he explains that Lucas Watzenrode, a predecessor or Dantiscus and Copernicus' Uncle, lived 64 years and 5 months, he remained a Bishop for 23 years, and died on March 30, 1512. A line of the family died out with him, and there are still his monuments in Toruń.
Further reading:
- Biskup Marian, Regesta Copernicana, Warszawa 1973.
- Kopernik Mikołaj, Pisma pomniejsze, Warszawa 2007.
Frombork, 11 January 1539
To his Lordship, Most Reverend Father in Christ, Johannes [Dantiscus], by the grace of God bishop of Varmia, my most gracious lord
My lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, most gracious lord:
I have now done what I should not or could not in any way have failed to do. I hope that what I have done in this matter quite accords with your Most Reverend Lordship's warnings. But you wish to find out from me how long my uncle lived - my uncle, the late Lucas Watzenrode of blessed memory, a predecessor of your .Most Reverend Lordship. He lived 64 years, 5 months; he was bishop for 23 years; he died on 30 March 1512 A.D. With him came to an end the family whose coat of arms is conspicuous at Toruń in their many works and in the ancient monuments. I now pledge my obedience to your Most Reverend Lordship.
Frombork, 11 January 1539
Your Most Reverend Lordship's
most obedient
Nicholas Copernicus
Translation by Edward Rosen
Frombork, 11 January 1539
Reuerendissimo in Christo Patri et Domino, Domino Joanni Dei gratia Episcopo Varmiensi, Domino suo Clementissimo
Reuerendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, Domine Clementissime. Feci iam, quod nullo modo obmittere debui vel potui, in quo spero monitis Reuerendissimae Dominationis Vestrae a me satis esse factum. Caeterum, quod scire ex me petit, quando tempore vixerit felicis recordationis quondam Lucas a Waczeldrodt, Reuerendissimae Dominationis Vestrae praedecessor, auunculus meus: vixit annos LXIIII, menses V, in episcopatu annos XXIII, obijt paenultima Martij anno Christi MDXII. In quo illa generatio finem accepit, cuius insignia in antiquis monumentis et multis operibus extant Torunij. Commendo iam obedientam meam Reuerendissimae Dominationi Vestrae. Ex Frauemburg XI Ianuarij anno MDXXXIX.
Eidem Reuerendissimae Dominationi Vestrae obsequentissimus
Nicolaus Copernicus