In just two days, the World Copernican Congress will take place in Kraków.
The 21st Toruń Festival of Science and Art, which is one of the events accompanying the World Copernican Congress, is fast approaching. The program of this year’s edition, whose main theme is „Five Centuries After Copernicus”, will feature about 100 events. The festival will run from April 22nd to 24th.
What did Copernicus read? What lectures did he attend as a student? What figures did he encounter on his educational path? These are just some of the questions that Prof. Marian Chachaj seeks to answer in the book „Mikołaj Kopernik. Czasy studenckie” („Nicolaus Copernicus. Student Days”). The publication was released by the Scientific Publishing House of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń to commemorate the Year of Copernicus.
In a special interview accompanying the inauguration of the Copernican World Congress at UMK, Professor Phillip James Edwin Peebles discussed the Copernican legacy, the impact of Copernicus’ discoveries on the world of science, and the greatest challenges facing modern astronomy.
On February 19, exactly on the 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, the Copernican World Congress was inaugurated at the Nicolaus Copernicus University.