1524 II 29 – to Mauritius Ferber

1524 II 29 – to Mauritius Ferber

Copernicus to Bishop Mauritius Ferber, Frombork, 29 February 1524

Original: Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek, H 157.

Nicholas Copernicus (Nic. Coppernic) informs Maurice Ferber, Bishop of Varmia, that in the period of the war 1520-1521 Henry Snellenberg, Canon of Varmia, had received from Reinhold Feldstete (Velstete), Councillor of Gdańsk, out of 100 marcae (Mark) belonging to Copernicus, the former gave him only 90. Despite numerous reprimands, he was not given back the remaining 10 marcae up to now. Copernicus agreed with the present Administrator of the Chapter, Tiedeman Giese, that he could transmit to him a certain part of the money; however, Snellenberg did not want to agree to pay them to Copernicus. Now for a second time he approached Coppernicus and forced him, first, to take his promissory note from Feldstete. Yesterday, when the Administrator divided the profits from the benefices, Copernicus stipulated the return of the amount from Snellenberg; however, the latter did not want to give back the sum, and proposed to go to court and to have a legal investigation. Thus, Copernicus is forced to approach Bishop Ferber and to ask persistently that he permit a stop to the profits from Snellenberg's benefice, or he consider other ways for obtaining the money.


Further reading
  1. Biskup Marian, Regesta Copernicana, Wrocław 1973.
  2. Kopernik Mikołaj, Pisma pomniejsze, Warszawa 2007.

Frombork, 29 February 1524

To my lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, Maurice [Ferber], by the grace of God bishop of Varmia, my most honorable and beloved superior 

My lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, my gracious lord. Some time ago, during the war, the venerable Heinrich Snellenberg received from Reinhold Feldstedt 100 marks of the money Feldstedt owed me. Not long afterward Snellenberg paid 90 of those marks. He remained obligated to me for 10 marks. I often asked him for them. Up to the present time I have not been able to recover them. But, putting me off, he always promised to pay up at the next distribution of the proceeds. Several months having passed, then, it happened that in my presence the venerable administrator counted out a certain share of the money to him. I asked him to pay me then out of that money in accordance with his promises, while I proposed to give him a receipt in full in my own handwriting. Then he again imposed on me with a new objection, and he forced me first to obtain his receipt from Reinhold Feldstedt.

Now the venerable administrator arrived yesterday and distributed the bulk of the proceeds. Holding Snellenberg's receipt, I sought him out, and even so I did not succeed. He said that he wanted to keep all the money [coming to him] from the administrator. If he owed me anything, I should claim it in a legal action in the court of a judge.

I therefore see that I cannot act otherwise, and that my reward for affection is to be hated, and to be mocked for my complacency. I am forced to follow his advice, the advice by which he plans to frustrate me or cheat me if he can.

I have recourse to your Most Reverend Lordship, whom I ask and beseech to deign to order on my behalf the withholding of the income from his benefice until he satisfies me, or a kind provision in some other way for me to be able to obtain what is mine.

I pledge my services with the utmost promptness to your Most Reverend Lordship. May divine goodness preserve you in a completely prosperous long life and happy rule.

Frombork, 29 February 1524

Your Most Reverend Lordship's

Nic. Coppernic


Translation by Edward Rosen

Reuerendissimo in Christo Patri et Domino, Domino Mauritio Dei gratia episcopo Varmiensi Domino suo plurimum Observando atque Gratioso

Reuerendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, Domine Gratiose. Cum olim tempore belli venerabilis dominus Henricus Snellemberg a domino Renoldo Velsted de pecunijs mihi debitis marcas centum recepisset et non longe post soluisset ex ijs marcas XC, remansit mihi in marcas X obligatus, quas ad frequentem repetitionem hactenus consequi non possum, sed remittens me semper ad proximam prouentuum distributionem soluere promisit. Cum igitur transactis aliquot mensibus contigisset, ut me praesente venerabilis dominus administrator quandam pecuniae partem adnumerasset illi, requisiui eum, ut ex ea mihi tunc fecisset solutionem secundum promissa, offerens me quitaturum illum manu propria. Tunc iterum noua exceptione me fraudauit coegitque, ut prius chirographum eius a Rinaldo Velstede recuperarem. Nunc adueniente heri venerabili domino administratore et corpora praebendarum distribuente requisiui illum cum chirographo suo nec sic profeci dicente illo, quod plane uolet pecuniam suam a domino administratore, et si quod mi hi debeat, hoc per viam iuris et iudicis officium peterem. Postquam ergo video aliter fleri non posse atque pro dilectione - odium, pro graticatione - ludibria retribui, coactus sequi consilium eius, quo me distrahere cogitat, vel difraudere si posset, recurro ad Reuerendissimam Dominationem Vestram et rogo et supplico: dignetur mihi decernere arrestum fructuum sui beneficii, donec mihi satisfiat, vel quomodolibet aliter prouiderer sua benignitate, ut quod meum est, consequi possem. Seruitia mea cum omni promptitudine Reuerendissimae Dominationi Vestrae, deuoueo, quam Diuina clementia longaeuum conseruet in omni prosperitate et felici gubernatione. Ex Frauenburg, feria 2 post Oculi anno Domini MDXXIIII.

Eiusdem Reuerendissimae Dominationis Vestrae

Nicolaus Copernicus


H 157
H 157

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