1541 IX 28 – to John Dantiscus

1541 IX 28 – to John Dantiscus

Copernicus to Bishop John Dantiscus, Frombork, 28 September 1541

Original: Czartoryski Library, Kraków, manuscript 1619, pp. 99-100.

Nicholas Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus) informs John Dantiscus, Bishop of Varmia, who has asked him for return of the epitaph, written by him for Lucas Watzenrode, Bishop of Varmia, predecessor of Dantiscus, and Uncle of Copernicus, that he returns the copy, since he does not have the original. He expresses his regret that the text of the epitaph could not be used, since on the grave of Lucas there was already engraved another inscription, perhaps not too suitable, but already prepared and accepted during the life by the deceased.


Further reading:
  1. Biskup Marian, Regesta Copernicana, Warszawa 1973.
  2. Kopernik Mikołaj, Pisma pomniejsze, Warszawa 2007.

Frombork, 28 September 1541

My lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, Johannes [Dantiscus], by the grace of God bishop of Varmia, my most gracious lord

My lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, most gracious lord:

Your Most Reverend Lordship recently asked me to return to your Most Reverend Lordship the epitaph for my uncle, the late Bishop Lucas, a predecessor of your Most Reverend Lordship. You had once sent me this epitaph, which was composed by yourself. Since I do not have [the original written] by your own hand, Most Reverend Lordship, I am therefore sending [you] a copy. I regret that it did not fulfill the purpose for which it was intended, since a different [epitaph] having little flavor and less taste had already been carved on the tombstone. But what was commissioned was of this nature, and was composed for him in accordance with his wishes while he was still alive.

I hope and pray that your Most Reverend Lordship, to whom I pledge my services, may long [enjoy] good health for the benefit of your church and the solace of your [people].

Gynopolis [Frombork], 28 September, first year of the 579th Olympiad [1541]

Your Most Reverend Lordship

most devoted

Nicolas Copernicus


Translation by Edward Rosen

Frombork, 28 September 1541

Reuerendissimo in Christo Patri et Domino, Domino Joanni Dei gratia Episcopo Varmiensi, Domino suo Clementissimo

Reuerendissime in Christo Pater et Domine, Domine Clementissime. Petijt nuper ex me Reuerendissima Dominatio Vestra, vt epitaphium quondam Lucae episcopi, antecessoris Reuerendissimae Dominationis Vestrae, auunculi mei, quod olim a se factum mihi miserat, remitterem Reuerendissimae Dominationi Vestrae. Mitto igitur eius exemplum, quondam de manu propria Reuerendissimae Dominationis Vestrae apud me non extat. Doleo equidem, quod ad usum destinatum non peruenerit, cum iam antea aliud quoddam sepulcro fuisset insculptum parum habens odoris saporisque minus, sed quod procuratum sic erat et paratum illi adhuc in humanis volenti. Cupio et precor Reuerendissimae Dominationi Vestrae longaeuam valetudinem et incrementum ecc1esiae suae et suorum consolationem, cui seruitia mea deuoueo. Ex Gynopoli, XXVIII Septembris Olimpiadis DLXXIX anno primo.

Eidem Reuerendissimae Dominationi Vestrae deuotissimus

Nicolaus Copernicus


s. 99
s. 100

Czartoryski Library, Cracow, rkps 1619, pp. 99-100


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