1518 X 22 – to the Warmian Chapter

Copernicus to the Warmian Chapter, Melsac, October 22, 1518

Original: lost (until 1945 in Diözesanarchiv, Frauenburg, sign. Rep. 128); photocopy: Archiwum Archidiecezji Warmińskiej, Olsztyn, Rep. 128.

Nicholas Copernicus (N. Coppernic) informed the Chapter of Warmia that yesterday he learned from the Bishop of Warmia, Fabian Luzjański of what the Chapter has written to the Bishop in connection with the reception being prepared for the Pope's legate, Nicholas von Schonberg. The letter of Philip Greussing induced Copernicus to leave Olsztyn (Allenstein) as quickly as possible together with the burgrave of the castle, Christopher Drauschwitz, who received a more complete piece of information in Lidzbark Warmiński (Heilsberg), so that Greussing could not complain that he was refused justice. The Bishop also instructed Copernicus to induce the Chapter that in its reply to Albrecht, the Grand Master, it add the following c1ause "so as not to impede the holy justice" what would make this perfidious and evasive explanation more difficult. The Bishop also received the news about the conclusion of perpetual peace by Wasyl III, the Duke of Moscow, with the Polish King Sigismund I, and thus the hopes of their neighbours [i.e. the Teutonic Knights] were blighted. Copernicus will try to leave the place as quickly as possible..


Further reading
  • Biskup Marian, Regesta Copernicana, Warszawa 1973.
  • Kopernik Mikołaj, Pisma pomniejsze, Warszawa 2007.

Melsac, 22 October 1518

To the Venerable and Worshipful Officers, Canons, and Chapter of the Church of Varmia, most honorable masters

Venerable and worshipful gentlemen, honorable masters:

I learned from his Most Reverend Lordship [the bishop of Varmia] yesterday what your Reverences write about preparing the reception. The arrangements are virtually complete for either [contingency], whether it happens to be a fish day or a meat day.

P[hilip] Greusing's letter impelled me to leave Olsztyn sooner [than I had intended]. At my invitation the burgrave 1eft with me. In Lidzbark he received more complete information, as a result of which Greusing will be unable to complain that he has been denied justice.

His Most Reverend Lordship also commissioned me to advise your Reverences concerning the reply to be given to the Grand Master [of the Teutonic Knights]. If the letter has not been sent, in the copy transmitted [to you] by his Lordship the following clause is to be added: "that holy justice may not be blocked," the better to forestall their perverse and quibbling interpretation.

His Lordship has also received the news that [the Grand Duke ot] Moscow has signed with the king [of Poland] a permanent peace treaty, the provisions of which his Lordship expects to learn at any moment. Thus the complete confidence of our neighbors has accordingly now collapsed.

I commend myself to your Reverences.

Melsac, 22 October 1518

I shall leave from here too as soon as I can.

N. Coppernic


Translation by Edward Rosen

Melsac, 22 October 1518

Venerabilibus et Spectabilibus Dominis Praelatis Canonicis et Capitulo ecclesiae Varmiensis, Dominis et Maioribus suis plurimum Obseruandis

Venerabiles et Obseruandi Domini, Maiores Honorandi. Intellexi iam eadem heri a domino reuerendissimo, quae Dominationes Vestrae de hospicio parando scribunt, et sunt fere procurata ad utrumque, siue piscarius, siue carnarius contigerit dies. Impulerunt me litterae Philippi Greussingi, quo citius ex Allenstein soluerem et receptus mecum inde burgrabius in Heilsberg pleniorem accepit informationem, quo minus ille de iusticia denegata queri poterit. Commisit etiam mihi dominus reuerendissimus commouere Dominationes Vestras circa dandum domino magistro responsum, si litterae non essent emissae, ut addatur in exemplari, quod paternitas sua transmisit, clausula haec: das dy helige gerechtigkeit nicht vorhindert worde, quo magis peruersa illorum interpretatio et cauillosa praecludatur. Nouitates etiam accepit paternitas sua, quod Moscouita suscepit cum rege perpetuam pacem; quibus conditionibus constet, expectat paternitas sua in horam intelligere. Sic igitur tota confidentia vicinorum iam corruit. Com mendo me Dominationibus Vestris. Ex Melsac, XXII Octobris 1518.

Hinc etiam quam primum potero me absoluam

N. Copernic

 Rep. 128Archives of the Archdiocese of Warmia, Olsztyn, Rep. 128.

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