1541 VI 15 – to Duke Albrecht of Prussia

1541 VI 15 – to Duke Albrecht of Prussia

Copernicus to Duke Albrecht of Prussia, Frombork, 15 June 1541

Original: Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, HBA, C, 1a, Kasten 497.

Nicholas Copemicus (Nicolaus Copernicus) informs Albrecht, Duke of Prussia, that he has written a letter to John Benedict Solfa, doctor of the Polish King, with the question: in what way could he help George von Kunheim, the Duke's office-holder, in his illness. However, he has not received any news concerning this, which amazes him, so he intends to write again to Doctor John, and relay the answer without delay to the Duke.


Further reading:
  • Biskup Marian, Regesta Copernicana, Warszawa 1973.
  • Kopernik Mikołaj, Pisma pomniejsze, Warszawa 2007.

Frombork, 15 June 1541

To the serene and honorable Albert, by the grace of God margrave of Brandenburg, duke of Prussia and Wendland, burgrave of Neuenburg, and prince of Rügen, my gracious lord

Serene and honorable Prince, gracious lord:

My assiduous and wholehearted services are at all times in readiness for your Princely Grace. I refer to and acknowledge your Princely Grace's letter and communication [of 14 June 1541]. I wrote to Jan Benedict [Solfa], physician to His Majesty, king of Poland, to ask him to the best of my ability how help may be provided to the honorable and puissant lord George of Kunheim, your Princely Grace's officer, in his illness. I hoped that the same courier would bring a reply. Up to the present time I have not received any letter from the aforementioned doctor. That surprises me. I was unable to write to your Princely Grace anything essential with regard to the case. I am therefore inclined to communicate by a non-scheduled courier with the same physician again in reference to the same matter. What I learn from him, I will without delay present to your Princely Grace, to whom I humbly pledge my assiduous and indefatigable services.

Frombork, 15 June 1541

Your Princely Grace's

constant servant

Nicholas Copernicus


Translation by Edward Rosen

Frombork, 15 June 1541

Dem Durchlauchtigen und Hochgebornen von Gots genoden Albrechten Margraven zcu Brandenburg, in Preussen und Wenden Hertzog, Burgrofen zcu Noremberg und Fursten zcu Rugen, meinem Gnedigisten Herren

Durchlauchter und Hochgeborner Furst, Genediger Herre. Meyne vlessige und gutwillige dinste sein Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden alle zceit bereith. Euer Furstlichen Gnaden auf Ewer briff und schreiben tu ich wissen und zcuerkennen. Nach dem ich an Konigliche Maiestat zcu Polen doctori loanni Benedicto geschreben habe, meinen besten vleis nach zcu erkundigen, wie dem erentvesten und gestrengen herren Georgio von Kumhaim Euer Furstlichen Durchlaucht amthman in seiner swaheit mochte geholfen werden, het mich verhofft, es solde mit dem selbigen briffs boten antworth gefallen sein. So hab ich bis her vom obgenanten doctor keinen briff uberkomen, das mich wundert. Habe ich Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden der sachen halben nichts eigentlichs wissen zcu schreiben. Byn nach der halben gesint, mit zcufelliger botschaft dem selbigen doctor widderumbe zu schreiben in der selbigen sachen, alz dan was ich von em erfaren werde, wil ich an verzog zcu stellen Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden, der ich meine vlessige und unverdrossene dinste thu demutiglich bovolen. Datum Frauemburg XV Juny 1541.

Ewer Furstlichen Durchlaucht stetiger dyner

Nicolaus Copernicus


HBA, C, 1a, Kasten 497
HBA, C, 1a, Kasten 497

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, HBA, C, 1a, Kasten 497


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